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Life's Too Short
Call To Preserve
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Life's Too Short Lyrics

People these days take their life for granted.
Life's a gift and should be enjoyed to the fullest.
Not behind a cloud of smoke or a drunken haze.

Life's too short to give in to that nonsense.
Who wants to die before their time?
Their purpose in life stripped away?

So much death as a result of ignorance.
Overdose and stupidity plague this land.
You never know what your life should have been.

My body is the temple of the living God.
Nothing harmful to my mind runs through my veins.
I choose to live my life drug free.

My body is the temple of the living God.
Nothing harmful to my mind runs through my veins.
I choose to live my life drug free.

People these days take their life for granted.
Life's a gift and should be enjoyed to the fullest.
Not behind a cloud of smoke or a drunken haze.

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2006 Strike First Records
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