takes me down underneath its weight. it is my master. i
will drown underneath its sea it spells disaster.
underneath its sea all's lost and found. until it's
swallowed whole what's yours no way to ever know how much
this can weigh. hollowed-out and broken. feeling i have
lost control. and everything is gray. my dark cloud
hovers overhead. constant companion. wrapped in dark
shroud. lie alone in bed bottomless canyon. lie alone in
bed all's lost and found. until it's swallowed whole
what's yours no way to ever know how much this can weigh.
hollowed-out and broken. feeling i have lost control.
i am so tired of this conscious sleep. lethargic, low and
uninspired. sinking ever deep. wallow in wet cement. i'm
mired. crush me underneath it all. pull me from the
weight that squeezes down