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Casual Friday
Weekend Forever California That Guy


Fomo Lyrics

Hey how are you doing today?
I've been faking this smile every god damn day
For the past three months they're thinking "what a shmuck," I am done
I need out so I can see the world and all it's colors while I watch the sun shine over me
The time spent wondering if everything I've done was a waste of my time, can't make up my mind
Should've gone to school just like my friends, mistakes I haven't come to regret yet
Oh no, I've been working to hard to realize looking back I missed the best damn parts and this Fomo I'm feeling can't make up for the lack of times that I missed
I need to see the world and all it's colors while I watch the sun shine over me, the time spent wondering if everything I've done was a waste of my time, can't make up my mind
Should've gone to school just like my friends mistakes I haven't come to regret yet

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these lyrics are submitted by itunew3
Songwriter(s): Casual Friday
Record Label(s): 2014 Open Door Records
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