Hey! Is there anyone pushing through the loam?
Separate from everyone I’m staggering alone.
I just wanna be, though calamity
Works its way in me. x2
Do you really need a reason to conquer?
Or a single excuse for your hate?
Love becomes a self-killing habit,
Break and destroy it before it is too late.
You say you never will
But your words worth nothing cuz...
You will suck my blood
Till I close my eyes,
You'll hold on to me
Till I agonize.
Do you need a loss? Do you want a mess?
What would hurt you more? What would ruin you less?
The world outside will never correspond
To your perfect and inadequate grotesque.
All you do is consuming (and call it sympathy),
All you do is defrauding (it isn't empathy),
You rob me of my sun (and call it passion),
You drink and drain me dry (it's not love).
You say you never will
But your words worth nothing cuz...
You will suck my blood
Till my veins collapse,
You will raven on me
As my time elapses.
By the time
you will be well-fed
I'll wither on the vine,
I'll be skinned and dead.
You depend on me,
Though you're my day of doom,
When once I drop out,
I'll put you in a fume.
Vampires are always
Full of unstoppable determination.
You will absorb
Till the moment you run out of rations.
The only way to stop is to kill...
Thou shalt not live!
The only way to stop is to kill...
Thou shalt not covet my blood! x2
You can disagree,
But your greed will always overrule.
Don't you turn your head away,
you just make believe you're not the deviant.
Drink my blood
Till you overdose,
I'll mutate you through,
I'll survive in you.
Then you feel
That you've done your worst,
To recuperate
You'll have to kill me first.
The only way to stop is to kill...
Thou shalt not live!
The only way to stop is to kill...
Thou shalt not covet my blood! X2
Don't you turn your back on me,
I'm your dream and your reality.
I fall down to give you light,
But once I rise up again I'll leave you...
I'll leave you blind...
The only way to stop is to kill...
Thou shalt not live!
The only way to stop is to kill...
Thou shalt not covet my blood!
But if I kill I turn into you
and become the same greedy leech.
I don't wanna be! I don't wanna be!
And I probably can't because of my serenity.
You're a different race! Predator,
I can never change your nature
and core.
You'll never ever give
And I'll never ever take,
What I attempt to create
You'll always try to brake.
It's no evil against evil!
I put a mirror in front of you...
It's no evil against evil!
I just reflect it all back on you! x2
You can't live without me
cuz I'm your prey,
you need me everyday...
I wanna see you clash your jaws in vain x3
To have me you'll have to swallow my pain.
You will drink my blood
Till you overdose,
I'll mutate you through,
I'll survive in you.
Then you feel
That you've done your worst,
To recuperate
You'll have to kill me first.
The only way to stop you is to live...
Thou shalt not kill me!
The only way to stop you is to live...
Thou shalt not overcome me!
Fail to destroy!