my eyes... burst and bleed with ethereal sincerity
someone lit 'em up and made them burn with painfull
my skin... was covered with scars so that it could hold
the fire in me
sometimes it grew so thin i couldn't hold back all my
my blood... is made of the dark and deep of a midnight
summer sky
enriched by every star that dropped a tear when it came
passing by...
my heart... is made of something i can never figure
no human can steal it, no human can get it, it can't be
caught, it can't be bound.
i am free! i belong to no-one cuz my only husband is
The Hot Sun.
i am free! i belong to nowhere cuz my only true wife is
The Silky Moon.
my way... always pure and streight as a sunbeam can be
hot and hard, but always here, like nature's might and
my lips... are made to kiss the weary dusk and sleepy
to touch the wind and make it move over and over, and
on and on.
my hair... each one is made to capture and hold a man's
each curl and twist is life and death 'n' god's
providence eventually.
my soul... the quintessence of love and it's eternity
no demon can steal it, no demon can get it, enslave it
or kill it mentally!
i am free till the end of time...
cuz i serve god and i'm one of his royal messengers. x2
i am free! i belong to no-one cuz my only husband is
The Hot Sun.
i am free! i belong to nowhere cuz my only true wife is
The Silky Moon.
i face The Bright Sun with open eyes!
i face The Shiny Moon with a faithfull and pure heart!
i am free! i belong to no-one cuz my only husband is
The Hot Sun.
i am free! i belong to nowhere cuz my only true wife is
The Silky Moon.
i am free! My husband is The Bright Sun and i love him
with all my heart
his the one and only till the end of time.
i am free! My wife is The Shiny Moon and i love her
with all my heart
she's the one and only till the end of time.
i'll keep away the demons, i'll find them in the dark
i'll kill all the demons, i'll fight them in the