ß ïëûëà çà âîëíîé è çà ìÿãêîñòüþ ãóá,
Çà ñèíåé áàðõîòêîé çâåçä –
ß çíàëà - ìåíÿ òàì, êàê çäåñü, íå íàéäóò –
ß ñëîæíàÿ êàê òû íå ïðîñò.
Òû - õîëîäåí, ÿ - óëûáíóñü, ãîðÿ÷à,
Ïóùó òåáÿ áëèæå ê ãóáàì
È ïåðåöåëóþ - âåäü ÿ íå ïðîñòà –
Êòî çíàåò - ãäå Çäåñü, à ãäå Òàì?
I’m so tired, you can’t imagine,
I’m so dead, you cannot see,
I was made to make you happy,
You were made to set me free.
I’m so lonely as I cry here
In the middle of the sea
I was made to make you happy,
You were made to set me free.
Òàé ïîä ãëàçàìè, ïðèêèíüñÿ ñëåçîé –
Ãîðüêîé ñëåçîé ñãîðÿ÷à –
Íî íå çàáóäü - òû íå ñòàíåøü ñîáîé
È íå âåðíåøüñÿ â ñíåãà.
Òû íå âåðíåøüñÿ â ñíåãà…
I’m so tired, you can’t imagine,
I’m so dead, you cannot see,
I was made to make you happy,
You were made to set me free.
I’m so lonely as I cry here
In the middle of the sea
I was made to make you happy,
You were made to set me free.
You were made to set me free. X4
I’m so tired, you can’t imagine,
I’m so dead, you cannot see,
I was made to make you happy,
You were made to set me free.
I’m so lonely as I cry here
In the middle of the sea
I was made to make you happy,
You were made to set me free.