The Fighting Chair Lyrics

I was standing on the shoreline
Fishin' pole gettin' heavy in my hand
As usual catchin' nothin
the story of my life, the story of the man
Then some geezer in a schooner
Said "Son, take a look at the sky
Still time to get out where the fish are
Still time to find the gleam in your eye

You wanna catch a big one, you wanna be a hero?
You'll never get nothin' standin' over there
So strap yourself in and we'll sail away deep
You only reel' em in from the fighting chair"

It felt scary, kinda crazy, like things usually feel to
But it got me thinking I'm standin'
On the shoreline everytime there's somewhere to be
So I jumped up on his schooner
He straps me in, puts the pole in my hand
He said "Twillight is gonna get you head right
You're gonna feel clean, you're gonna make a stand

I felt somethin', somethin'
I started tuggin', tuggin'
Said "Brother, this is it, the only way you beat me is
if I up and quit!"
Well I ain't quit - well, not yet

In my daydreams, I drop my line in
They all swim my laughin' in my face
But I belive if I snag that one big fish
It'll makethe vision go away
We all have one good catch in us, one sweet day, one
perfect moonlight
Gonna sail out into the wind and I'll taste the salt
water on my face tonight

Wanna find love, wanna find home
Lookin' for peace is a hard, hard struggle
Strap yourself in to the fighting chair
I'm gonna make my own peace with the fighting chair

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): ceili rain
Record Label(s): 2000 Mima Rekidz
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