This mountain peak's so high
But there's nothing I can't climb
Oh come on!
I just went, up this hill
I dropped so far, I'm such an imbecile
Oh well, let's start over
I've done this all before - no no! No!!
I just did this, I just did this
Please don't tell me
Oh great, you saved my mistakes
My mistakes, my mistakes
This shouldn't be so hard, I tell myself
Again and again and again, not again
I'm never getting over this
I can't get over it
I tried, and I tried, and I tried
And I'm still alive
Almost there! Never mind!
I'm not getting over it
I guess I might as well keep going
After so long
I've come so far, and there's no going back
Oh no, not again
One little mistake, back to the beginning
Pushed myself so far away, I'm never ever winning this
This mountain is so stupid!
Twelve hours, forgot who I was
Climbing and climbing, all because
I just want to win
Don't want to begin again
I'm never getting over this
I can't get over it
I tried, and I tried, and I tried
And I'm still alive!
Almost there! Here I am!
I got over it today
Over it today, over it. Today!