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All I Have Lyrics

It's cold here
It's exactly what I've feared
Guess the pamphlet didn't make it quite clear
Cold stares, rainy days, cheap sex
And every hipster trying to be hipper than the next
All you can really do is try your best

But people here turn on a dime
To suit thier needs at the time
Crowd of faces, one of them mine
That's fine

I'm alone, I'm alone
But it's not so bad
I'm alone and I'm all I have

You start to believe
Start to wonder
"Is it just me,
Or is it this thing I clearly see?"
You can't hold respect
When people don't care
Not even the ones you expect
It makes it that much harder to connect

It's not a big deal
Just the way I feel
But right now, I'm wishing
My heart was made of steel


No, I'm not Miss Frigging Hip
No, I don't feel free
Really that's all I wanna be
I give myself
And it's just not enough
And boy, I can take a lotta shit
But it's hard to be that tough


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Record Label(s): 2009 chantilly
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