CHAOTICA Church Of Man Lyrics
I followed your
Man-made rules, and I
Obeyed everything
That you fed to me
I listened to
All there was and I
Saw everything
That I need to see
You teach it
Yeah, yeah
You preach it
Yeah, yeah
You sew it
Yeah, yeah
You reap it
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You twisted the Heavens
And Hell, and you
Bend them in the shape
That you want them to be
You sell your
Version of God, and you
Expect us all to adopt
So our guilt is set free
How dare you
Attempt to mandate that the
Masses follow the way that
You claim is the word
And the truth
Can you justify
Or explain when the
Innocent is sodomized and
Clergy is raping our youth?
I cannot be naive
And make believe
In your day dream
You will realize
Your countless lies
Aren't what they seem
Church of Man
"Come pass the plate
Put all your money in now."
Your divine laws
Written by man
I will not follow
The follower's plan
Hypocritical masses of
Oblivious sheep
Getting lead to slaughter
I hope that you
Change your mind when you
Find out that your priest
Molested your daughter
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check amazon for Church Of Man mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by kaan Songwriter(s) : BUSH DANIEL ROBERT Record Label(s) : 2006 Cold Fusion Records, LLC Official lyrics by
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