Invisible Tears Lyrics

Invisible tears in my eyes
incredible pain in my heart
Indestructible memories all in review

Impossible though things may get
improbable I will forget
Indelible memories of sweet lovable you

You're back again
and I'll take you in
Although I'm only seeing pictures from the past
Those arms are not real
but somehow I feel
If I'd just close my eyes then maybe this might last

Invisible tears in my eyes
incredible pain in my heart
Indestructible memories all in review

Impossible though things may get
improbable I will forget
Indelible memories, Incomparable memories, Indispensable memories
of sweet lovable you

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these lyrics are submitted by Reverend Johnny Breedlove
these lyrics are last corrected by Niebieski
Songwriter(s): Charles Manson
Record Label(s): 2012 ESP Disk
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