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Aish Ye K'dish
Charming Hostess
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Aish Ye K'dish Lyrics

Live on, work-horse
Relief comes while you are unaware
Your condition is bad - I see you have no money, and you tell me
"To hell with it all!
The gates of mercy are overcrowded
We need water, we need bread
If it would only rain money!"
Live on, work-horse
Your country is green, full of water and pasture - but not for the poor simpleton, accepting just what God gives
Ask, demand to know!
Don't just dream - how often have dreams betrayed you?
Haven't we told you?
Ask how!
But everything happens while you are unaware
You remain a work-horse, unaware

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these lyrics are submitted by itunew3
Record Label(s): 2004 Tzadik
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