Dear God where do I go?
I don't want to fight divisions anymore
The judge I need is so hard to find
It's rare to find Him outside my door
God's green earth reeling with lies
Deception rules, so unkind
Dear God I will have faith
That I can Behold Thy face
I never knew how much you love me
I never knew how much you care
My love for you is never wanting
My love for you is always there
Dear God help us be one
Please forgive me for the wrongs I've done
Teach me not to judge, lead me in your love
Help me to remember
Everyone is as precious as the Son
I never knew how much you love me
I never knew how much you care
My love for you is never wanting
My love for you is always there
Dear God lead me to edge of your ocean
It's time that I am open to the light you give
To the light you are to the forgiveness in you
Help me to understand your mercy your compassion
Help me to understand your everlasting waters
I never knew how much you love me
I never knew how much you care
My love for you is never wanting
My love for you is always there