As I walked through the Glenshane Pass I heard a young
girl mourn
"The boy form Tamlaghtduff" she cried "is two years
dead and gone"
How my heart is torn apart this young man to lose
Oh I'll never see the likes again of my young Francis
For many years his exploits were a thorn in England's
The hills and glens became his home there he used to
Once when they surrounded him he quietly slipped away
Like a fox he went to ground and kept the dogs at bay
Moving round the countryside he often made the news
But they could never lay their hands on my brave
Francis Hughes
Finally they wounded him and captured him at last
From the countryside he loved they took him to Belfast
Oh from Musgrave Park to the Crumlin Road and then to
an H-Block cell
He went straight on the blanket then on hunger strike
as well
His will to win they could never break no matter what
they tried
He fought them every day he lived and he fought them as
he died
As I walked through the Glenshane Pass I heard a young
girl mourn
"The boy form Tamlaghtduff" she cried "is two years
dead and gone"
How my heart is torn apart this young man to lose
Oh I'll never see the likes again of my young Francis