I love it in the country
At night you can see stars
You can pull somebody's leg
& tell ‘em “Look, there's Mars”
And they can pull your leg right back
& tell you yeah they know
And that that one there is Neptune
Yeah that one hanging low
I love it in the country
When people wave hello
When you're driving by them
People you don't even know
I can't help but smile
Where in the city maybe I could
& as I head on down the road
I can't help feeling good
I love it in the country
Listening to the birds
You sit out there long enough
You start picking out the words
I swear I heard what sounded like
The Gettysburg Address
From a little Lincoln Sparrow
With a white patch on its breast
I love it in the country
There's a different set of laws
Where the only answer that you'll get
Sometimes is “just because”
Where it's do unto others
And it's live & let live
You screw up on that stuff
Folks are real slow to forgive
I love it in the country
The things that people say
I might could write a book on it
& I might just will some day
Ask a simple question
Somebody might bend your ear
You ask for directions
You can't get there from here
I love it in the country
My neighbor raises sheep
Pigs & cows & chickens
On a hillside where it's steep
At night you ought to hear it
When the bulls have been let out
I lay in my bed thinking
How I'm glad I'm not a cow
And how I love it in the country
At night you can see stars
You can pull somebody's leg
& tell ‘em “Look, there's Mars”