I saw you standing by the 101,
holding out your sign
Saying if you want me you’ll be mine
Even when I’m gone you’ll still hear my lonely song and
you’ll want me back
I stared in the rear view mirror and slowed and pulled
on over to the side of the road
Here you come humming walking up to me, a smile on your
face that I can’t read and then laying across the hood
of my car you say;
You look lonely as a star
Try living as a box-car gypsy
Try sleeping in the dirt
Wake thinking that you can’t stand up straight
Spend a lifetime thinking you’re cursed
Try living with the low rent crazies
Dealing with the worst
And then you’re dancing for the dust bowl hobos
Start drinking somebody gets hurt
You write the prayer book;
Chapter and verse
And I start blinking as we drive towards the sun,
looking at your face
And wondering what you’ve done that brought you to this
And what’s inside that I can’t see would make me want
you back………
Black hair hanging down to your waist
Not a single line on an ancient face
A look in her eyes I could fall right through and she
asks me;
What and why do you…?
“You’re not sitting in a car, that’s not who you are”!
And then she slapped my face