Faint Hearts Lyrics

brave worlds can be spoken
but bones will still be broken

we're heading out to cloud coo koo land
waiting like virginal lambs
face are armoured in the varner
i've seen you dreaming of a beautiful life
where people are equal and nice
and it makes me take my heart in my hand
to question your foolish demands cause

brave worlds can be spoken
but bones will still be broken

you see yourselves as soldiers
with flowers in your holsters
will all this wishful thinking
save your ship from sinking

now it's bed time up on cloud coo koo land
and the faint hearts are dreaming of plans
patiently waiting for the spark to ignite
with the promise of making things right
but your actions must speed
so they travel in light
so don't think with me
on your fantasy flight

your brave worlds can be spoken
but bones will still be broken

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Terry Hall, Toby Russell Lyons
Record Label(s): 2008 The copyright in this compilation is owned by Chrysalis Records Ltd
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