It's Us Lyrics
it's us
it's us
u.s. it's meant to be
u.s. it's so much fun
u.s. it's you and me
u.s. it's he and she
it's us
it's just us
monday we go to work
tuesday we stay at home
wednesday is just for fun
and friday we go to club
it's us
it's us
paul claire julie ben andy alex vicky phil carol guil
mary ann jerry sarah steve and bill
it's us
it's us
u.s. it's meant to be
u.s. it's so much fun
u.s. it's you and me
u.s. it's he and she
it's us
it's us
u.s. it's meant to be
it's so much fun
it's you and me and he and she
and all of us
it's just us
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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2012 3Plus Music
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