Make a joyful noise unto Jah all ye land
Come before I a father with singing
Exalt his name for this must be our food
For we were brought here in captivity
Rastaman!bound in links and chains
while we work as slaves
And they lashed us hard
Amasa gana do set us free
Let us behold the land where we belong
Fret not thyself because of evil doers
Neither be annoyed
For Jah Himself shall set us free
Free from all pain and misery
For we were brought here in captivity
Rastaman! bound in links and chains
And we work as slave,
and they lashed us hard
Amasa gana do set us free
Le us behold the land where we belong
aaha ha ha ha haaa haha
aaha ha ha haaaai
For we were brought here in captivity
Bound in links and chains
And we work as slave
And they lashed us hard
Amasa gana do free us from dis'ya Bakra Massa
Let us behold the land where we belong
Set us free Jah, the land where we belong