Dropping bombs on Iraq, wont bring the factories back.
The answer does not lie in electoral politics.
Its time to rise up, or you will stay oppressed.
Strike the landlords, the bosses, the cops, and the law.
There is a class war its called poverty.
Now there's no need to worry, if some of the rich get hurt,
'Cause if you hesitated, they would surely take you out.
They build prisons and bombs to keep us in place,
and divide the working class, keep us poor and in despair.
There is a class war its called poverty.
They Racism, Nationalism, and Patriarchy
To confuse you as to where you should let your anger out.
Sedated and Persuaded. Drugged up to forget.
Don't dare surrender, don't throw away your life.
Don't back the leader's wars, don't believe their lies,
Dare to struggle, and break off your chains.
No War but the Class War,
No War but the Class War.