BBC Radio announcer:
"And now's the moment at five to three a.m. for which
you've chosen to deprive yourselves of sleep"
Hello! - Banana
O hand me me Bowler and me Didgery Doo
one banana sandwich and a bucket of tea
abra cabra dabra I'm a coolibar tree
takes a bowl 'a soup to paint a picture like me
no doubt about it
some dogs breakfast of a bloke I be
smokin' all the tealeaves on me family tree
I'm a friend of tweedle dum and tweedly dee
Lotsa lovely badges on me old school knee - cap
O hand me a dalhia we're gonin' to Australia
Me life's been a failure
She's turned me down
Soon I'll be waltzin' on the old gold sands
Everything's too loverly to understand
Pass me the parsley and me 99th chip
ain't nothin' nasty gonna pass my lips
How you going son?
O gimmie sweet potato!