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Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.
I Think It's Gonna Rain Today


Skeletons Lyrics

I guess I've been bruised if we were to speak plain
Every bruise that comes to flesh, makes it mark on the brain
You say it's always been and always will be
Anything you say has already been said, a million times

Do you think of all of the side streets we've walked past
Or our buried skeletons in the back yard?
So you think you've moved me to change
How could I be moved when I want to move away from this place?
Things you think you know or you may have seen
Might have come to pass if your hands had been kept clean

Do you think of all of the side streets we've walked past
Or our buried skeletons in the back yard?

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these lyrics are submitted by BURKUL4
Record Label(s): 2011 Warner Bros Records Inc
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