The country was in trouble, was a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore its former glory
So we prayed to the Lord and we asked for a king
And He pointed us up to the sky
To the Man at the top of the big golden tower
He's the Man of the year
He's the Man of the hour
He was sent down from heaven to make this country great again
(Tell em what his name is, boys)
That's Donald Trump!
He's the leader of the country and you better not forget it
If you disrespect my president you're gonna soon regret it
He's the Boss
He's the Power
He's the voice of the working Joe
That's Donald Trump!
Next time you hear a liberal talking all that esoterica
Grab em by the [Dale insists that the bleeped word is "shoulders"]
Make em say they love America
And if they don't like it, tell em they can kiss my rump
Because I'm talking about Donald Trump
There was a great forgotten people living in the heartland
Politicians, they'd ignore us, didn't try to understand
Till a Man came to see us, said he knew how to lead us
Across the river to the Promised land
He's the Man at the top of the big golden tower
He's the Man of the year
He's the Man of the hour
He was sent down from heaven to make this country great again
(Tell em what his name is, boys)
That's Donald Trump!
He's the leader of the country and you better not forget it
If you disrespect my president you're gonna soon regret it
He's the Boss
He's the Power
He's the voice of the working Joe
That's Donald Trump!
Next time you hear a liberal talking all that esoterica
Grab em by the [bleeped word "shoulders"]
Make em say they love America
And if they don't like it, tell em they can kiss my rump
Because I'm talking about Donald Trump
Some folks say he's a fool
(Except he's smarter than you)
Some folks say he's a demagogue
(Ain't nobody know what that means)
Us folks say: What are we waiting for?
Drain the swamp!
Build the Wall!
Kick em out!
Lock her up!
And put the man on Mt. Rushmore!
That's Donald Trump!
He's the leader of the country and you better not forget it
If you disrespect my president you're gonna soon regret it
He's the Boss
He's the Power
He's the voice of the working Joe
That's Donald Trump!
Next time you hear a liberal talking all that esoterica
Grab em by the [bleeped word "shoulders"]
Make em say they love America
And if they don't like it, tell em they can kiss my rump
Courtesy of Donald Trump