I'm from a little place call Great Britain
But I dunno if i love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain
See I'm from a little place call Great Britain
But I dunno if i love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain
One inch to the left, to the left,
Could of been the differemce between life and death,,
Knife wound to the heart to the side of the chest,
Could of been one sstatistic less.
See sometimes Great Britain a'itn that great, Kids
getting stabbed at an alaarming rate,
Pressed with a pattern to exonerate, Increasingly
clueless heads of state?
You see knife crime knife crime a'int about knives,
It's about young Britain and the ways of lives,
You dont solve knife crime by taking knives to hand,
You solve it by instilling new hopes and plans,
You've positives though, I swear its true,
In all south east west and midlands too.
God damn viresty, that shines right through.
Who's makes the best music in the world, we do.
I'm from a little place call Great Britain
But I dunno if i love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain
See I'm from a little place call Great Britain
But I dunno if i love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain
In a 2008-2009 government report,
Violent crime was not listed to increase
Or decrease, it was instead ;isted as stable.
Now what i ask you, is stable really acceptable?
You see between 2003 and 2008,
The number of children admitted to hospitals with knife
wounds saw a rise of 120%
So in my eyes, 2008-2009 stability just makes that card
as desenotised
But Statistics can be twisted, and out of context
aren't realistic
I'm from a little place call Great Britain
But I dunno if i love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain
See I'm from a little place call Great Britain
But I dunno if i love or hate Britain
These words upon my page written
Are the things that make and break Britain