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Beyond The Rainbow's End
Daniel O'donnell


Beyond The Rainbow's End Lyrics

I have gone from site but I am waiting
waiting just beyond the rainbows end
I'm happy in this place that I have come to
Because I'm here with my forever friend

Now all your thoughts of me let them be joyful
of things we've done and happy times we've shared
so don't be sad dear ones because I've left you
Please laugh and talk of me as if I'm there.

Just look up in the sky I am the sunshine
I'm the mist that rises on a summers morn
I'm the gentle breeze that cools the autumn evening
When the birds sing in the tree's I am there song

This journey I have made one day you'll make it
You too will be with my forever friend
It's then once more that we will be together
I'll meet you just beyond the rainbows end
It's then once more that we will be together
I'll meet you just beyond the rainbows end
Yes I'm waiting just beyond the rainbows end.

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Songwriter(s): Daniel O. Donnell
Record Label(s): 2006 Dptv Media
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