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King Lyrics

Who saw blue skies
in those dark eyes
must be the King of the Fools
must be the King of the Fools
yeah yeah the King of the Fools
who saw the sunrise
in those sweet lies
it ain't the man in the moon
it ain't the man in your room
must be the King of the Fools
let's give him his due
he's full of tears already dry
and a heart that never cries
bad breaks, bad checks
here comes a train wreck
who's still singing a tune
who's still singing for you
must be the King of the Fools
let's give him his crown
he doesn't seem to mind
these lonely nights
with a smile that never dies
who saw blue skies
in those dark eyes
must be the King of the Fools...
must be the King of the Fools
yeah yeah the King of the Fools

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