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Home Lyrics

I was drunk again, caused an accident
So you're not a friend, no you're nothing
I think I should be a little more confident in my self, in my skin
Take me, take me, home, home...
Take me, take me, home, home...
Cos I don't stand a chance in these four walls
And he don't recognize me anymore
Burned out our flame, should never reignite,
But I thought you might...
Take me, take me, home, home...
Take me, take me, home, home...
Now he's moving close, my heart in my throat
I won't say a word, but I think he knows
That I've hardly slept since the night he left
His body always kept mine inside of it
Keep the nightmares out, give me mouth to mouth
I can't live without you, take me to your house
Take me, take me, home, home...
Take me, take me, home, home...
Take me, take me, home, home...
But I thought you might...
Take me, take me, home, home...
Take me, take me, home, home...

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these lyrics are submitted by BURKUL4
Songwriter(s): Elena Veronica Tonra, Igor Alexandre Haefeli
Record Label(s): 2012 Glassnote Entertainment Group LLC under exclusive license from Daughter
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