driving fast on a icy mountain pass
we came bulleting off the road
and flailing, clutching anything
(my stomach in my throat)
i screamed to my passengers, "I love you"
and i prayed to what I do not know
I hoped we would not suffer
but the car it did not slow
and flying through the darkness
not stopping, and missing all the trees
i couldn't help but remember
that thought i often think -
that maybe I'm invincible
I just don't think I can die
but in the seconds seeming like hours
I came to see I might
cause every moment longer
I was quite sure we're gaining speed
the outcome seemed more certain
approaching terminal velocity
and I thought about the movies
a ball of flames, exploding noise
and all of it so romantic
falling down the mountain, plummeting with my boys
and that's when we finally hit the ground
careening hundreds of feet
I knew we wouldn't go out pleasantly
(pressed into a tree)
but all the sudden we're just stopped there
intact, our limbs and heads
silent and not moving
amazed to find that we're not dead
we're amazed that we're not dead