Fall To Pieces Lyrics

Ash and tears they fall like rain Black water down your face again You've felt it for a long long time We try but there's never enough time Ash and tears they burn my skin Like acid down my face again I've known it for a long long time We try but there's never enough time

Breathe in breathe out And it feels so strange Lights are fading as we fall Into the ocean

Underwater up for air I said I'd be there baby And still we fall to pieces And still we fall to pieces again I'm coming back through Montréal I said I'd be there And still we fall to pieces And still we fall to pieces again

Another city another town Another drink another round In the morning one more mile We try but there's never enough time And every night's another stage Feel the crowd they radiate Just one more song, just one more song Just one more...

Breathe in and breathe out and I feel so strange Lights are fading as we fall Into the ocean

Underwater up for air I said I'd be there baby And still we fall to pieces

And still we fall to pieces again I'm coming back through Montréal I said I'd be there And still we fall to pieces And still we fall to pieces again

I'm coming back through Montréal I said I'd be there And still we fall to pieces And still we fall to pieces again

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Songwriter(s): Matt Sorum, Saul Hudson, Duff Rose Mckagan, Scott Weiland, David Kushner
Record Label(s): 2010 David Usher
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