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Breaking Away From Me
Dead Means Nothing


Breaking Away From Me Lyrics

I´ve found the reason to close my eyes
My time has come
My head hits my heart everytime I sense a call
Shadows scream the new light, dead i´ll find my way
Nightmares breath our dreams turn red, don´t stay
This time seems to be, we tought it was fine
It´s your time to brake away from me
Another clouded silence again, burns…
My heart hits my head everytime I sense I lie
Shadows scream the new light, safe i´ll find my way
Nightmares breath our tears turn red, so stay
Sailing on burning paper ships and watch the storm we´re
Now i´m the one, who steals your fear, who lets you sleep
now under the light
Now i´m the one, who steals your dreams, who lets you get
up under the light

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2014 Dead Means Nothing
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