Here I stand
Blood on my hands
At the edge of all I've known
To exist
A life that consists
Of getting by
Under all those
Flashing lights
There she was
Faint and dumbstruck
A passerby
To all her life
Could have been
A joyless routine
An empty jar
At the bottom
When they said to me
The sky will be a thing that you could see if you let it
All she ever wanted was to find
A place where she could sit and watch the sunrise
In real time
Instead of through the automated screens that feed on
Her dreams
All we wanted was a life
Away from being plugged into mainline
At all times
Standing with the combination key that opens
Our dreams
check amazon for Floater mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by itunew3 Songwriter(s): Devin Yceil Record Label(s): 2018 Big Scary Monsters Official lyrics by