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The Sigh Of The Sea
Devin Sinha


The Sigh Of The Sea Lyrics

[Verse 1]
I said, Sophie
It's not that easy
Living out on the coast
When most of the people here are so insulated
And they walk with their hands in their pockets
Like talking
To someone new
Would just be too much for them

[Verse 2]
I said, Sophie
It's not been easy
Since you haven't been around
I've been writing you
Some days I'm still fighting you
Tempus fuget in the Puget Sound

And I wouldn't say I'll always feel this way
It takes time to forge a new home
And I knew too well that you never would stay
Some lives must live on on their own

[Verse 3]
I said Sophie
You kept me busy
When autumn came crashing down
When the lights on the signs of the buildings outside called to the crowd:
Come one, come all, come inside, come and bare your soul
Where they sat with rapt faces, or eyes to the floor
When I was done they said "Son, we've not heard that before"
It was you in the rain, it was me in the spring
There's half truth and half lie in the songs that I sing
And I wouldn't say I'll always feel this way
It takes time to forge a new home
And I knew too well that you never would stay
Some lives must live on on their own

[Verse 4]
I said Sophie
It's not that easy
Livin' out on the coast

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Songwriter(s): Devin Sinha
Record Label(s): 2014 Devin Sinha
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