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The Spirit Of Jfk


The Spirit Of Jfk Lyrics

Let the word go forth
Let the word go forth
From this time and place

Good evening my fellow citizens
I'm speaking tonight in a spirit of hope
In the human spirit, the human spirit

Lee Harvey Oswald
Oh, No
Jack Ruby
Oswald and Ruby
Oh, No

To Friend and Foe alike
Oswald and Ruby

My God, have you heard
The president is dead

Oswald and Ruby
They do not imprison spirits
Oswald and Ruby
They do not imprison spirits
The president is dead

Well, I know where that 3rd shot came from
The grassy knoll
Behind the picket fence

The energy, the faith, the function
which we bring to this endeavor
We'll fight our country and all who serve it
And the glow from that fire
Can truly light the world

History will record the facts
I didn't shoot anybody

Lee Harvey Oswald
Why should anybody serve?
Why should anybody serve?
Jack Harvey Oswald

We have learned in times past
The spirit of one moment or place
Can be gone in the next

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