Straight for the Emperor casting nets
Fishin' for a rare moment in the sun
Soaked collapse capturing the fresh dew
Unmolested by semi-realized future flu
Kiss me now before I gain the will to stop
Unmolested by promise flop
Greasy hands are steppin' near
Assuring that's the way that it's done around here
Yearn for fresh air that hasn't been breathed
By various accountants on the left coast
Parasitic sucking by those who have sucked the most
These could be some of the ways that you feel
When charged with keeping it real
But every now and then
It's the way it was
Way back when
This Empire looks ripe for collapse
Everybody's got the cart in front of the horse
Must have started with a love of some kind
Sent in a direction that was way too hard to find
But I hate to draw too many conclusions
When steeped in such a strange solution