It was eight years to come I forget it quite well
A fair pretty maiden in a cottage did dwell
She live with her parents all nice and serene
And her age was bright red and her hair was sixteen.
Now this maid had a lover who close by did dwell
A bandy legged ruffian and cross eyed as well
Said the lover to the maiden lets fly by yon star
For you are the eye of my apple you are
Said the maiden to the lover " oh lover be wise"
else my father will scratch out your nails with his eyes
I'm sure you'll not leave me here in disgrace
As she said as she buried her hands in her face.
When the maiden refused him he knocked down the maid
And silently opened the knife of his blade
He cut then the throat of the maiden so fair
And he dragged her about by the head of her hair.
Then he father who was poor came out it appears
And he gazed at the site with eyes in his tears
He knelt down beside her, her fair face he kissed
then he rushed with his nose at the murderers fist
With a knife then the old man an end to him put
And he kicked with his body the murderers foot
To commit suicide then his way he did wend.