Every night's a Saturday night with you.
Even on a Monday night, ahh we can have a party for two.
- Me and you.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, >n'Friday too.
Oh I wanna tell you every night's
like a Saturday night with you.
Remember - how we used to meet the gang
How we always danced the same
>Those week ends too.
Remember, you do
It's funny - but I don't miss them anymore
Though they were fun times babe for sure.
- I wouldn't, change the way things are right now.
-Repeat Chorus-
Remember how we met for our first date.
I was nearly >one hour< late.
>Looked so fine too.
Remember, you do
You waited you didn't ask me to explain.
We walked together through the rain.
- And all that night, I made sure you were mine.
-Repeat Chorus-