My body still clings to life
Only my spirit has died inside.
(so I pray)
I pray for death every night
But I keep waking up alive
I cut myself for infliction
And I still spit at my reflection
I hate everything I am
I have my friends to think for that
So I keep taking my meds
And I do what my doctor says.
I hate myself more everyday.
I guess I'll always be this way
I've learned that love is dead
And that people just get f*cked instead
And all the while making friends
Just to f*ck them in the end
Everyone I touch infects me
Cancer in flesh there is death all around
Everyone I touch, I infect them
Black and dead is my heart
Alone, I'm not good when I'm alone
I pace and tear at my skin and my hair
Burn myself for some relief
For a sick f*cking joke of a life
The punchline is when I die
And come back as me for eternity
Just to f*ck up everyday?
And fail the ones that I love by being alive
I don't know who I am anymore
A parasite in human disguise?
Searching for a piece of shit with all of you maggots
and flies
Everyday I feel that I just cant do anything right
I'm sorry if you know my name
I probably f*ck your life, goodbye