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Sunday's Coming
Eddy Current Suppression Ring
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Sunday's Coming Lyrics

Sunday's come, I can kiss her head
Sunday's come, I can do it again
Sunday's come, I can knock on the door
Sunday's come, I can do it some more

Sunday's come, yea she comin'
Sunday's come, here she come

Sunday's comin'
Here she comin'
Sunday's comin'
Here she come

Sunday's come, I can kiss her face
Sunday's come, I can do it again
Sunday's come, I can kick the door
Sunday's come, I can do it some more

Sunday's comin'
Here she come
Sunday's comin'
Here she come

Sunday's comin'
Here she comin'
Sunday's comin'
Here she come

Sunday's come, I can kick her hand
Sunday's come, I can do it again
Sunday's come, I can knock on the door
Sunday's come, I can do it some more

Sunday's come, I can kiss her face
Sunday's come, I can do it again
Sunday's come, I can kick the door
Sunday's come, I can do it some more

Sunday's comin'
Here comin'
Sunday's comin'
Here she come
Sunday's comin'
Here she comin'

Yea she comin'
Yea she comin'
Yea she comin'
Here she comin'
Here she comin'
Here she going

Sundays comin'
Here it comin'
Sundays comin'
Here she comes

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Record Label(s): 2008 Goner
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