Hey... looks like am emergency
Well that's ok with me cause I wanna tap u in now c u l8r
Looks like ur ma babie now so put away that thing cause ma babie don't need a vibrator
Am sure... am the one ur lookin 4
Am sure... am sure u've heard it all be4
I care... but I don't care nemore
Am sorry... but I don't no wat am sorry 4
She don't x 3
Need no vibrator
She don't x 3
Need no vibrator
She don't x 3
Need no electric entertainer 2nite investigater
Hey... now the doors r openin
And I look like a jerk while ur grinnin like an aligator
Can't we just 4get the whole thing
Shake each others hands and say goodbye babie c ya l8r
Need no artificial stimulaor non - organic extravator
Hey... she don't x 3
Hey... she don't x 3
Hey... she dies x 3
Hey... she dies x 3
So I will see ya later