Blue Moon Night Lyrics

Once in a blue moon
It all comes together
Everything turns out right
Everyone's in tune
All's right with the weather
Day settles into night
And the nice towns turn the lights down
And the night sounds are beautiful
On a blue moon night
When it's still all right
For one more blue moon night

Once in a blue moon
We turn off the itunes
Step out into the hood
We notice what's happenin
How it's all connected
Realize we've had it good
And we feel things we were hiding
And our eyes sting with tears
On a blue moon night
When it's still all right
For one more blue moon night

In the gathering gloom
Of the afterbloom
Can we ask for one blue moon?
One more blue moon night
When it's still all right
For one more blue moon night

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2011 Red House Records
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