Separated Lyrics

It won't last long, it's got a fatal flaw
Woven into the fabric, set into the foundation
I'm getting too old for this unhappy end
My story's been told again and again
Scratchy tune on my violin
A tired equation

But I want to get close to the flame
I want to feel love course through my veins
Though I reel with the pleasure and pain
I'm gonna know what it is to remain separated
Hide and seek, child play
Coming up close and running away
Surging and crashing
This longing that lives in us all
But I don't want to play Ophelia in the end
Or lose myself to anyone ever again
Or be a victim of passion
Or set myself up for a fall

But I want to get close to the flame
I want to feel love course through my veins
Though I reel with the pleasure and pain
I'm gonna know what it is to remain separated

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these lyrics are submitted by gsba3
Songwriter(s): Eliza Gilkyson
Record Label(s): 2004 Red House Records
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