If you knew me you probably wouldn't like me
or simply not give a shit
and if you met me, you'd probably go and forget me
but i think i'll get over it
if you're lost completely stick your head in the ground
and hope nobody pulls you out
when im lost completely i'll stick my head in the
ground and pray nobody saves me
and all you know... know you're in trouble when your
life is a constant in joke
and the funny thing is, this self-deprecating is just
so i wont let you all down
once you befriend me, it'll never be too late to call
but dont think that i'll give a shit
if you're lost completely stick your head in the ground
and hope nobody pulls you out
when im lost completely i'll stick my head in the
ground and pray nobody saves me
and all you know... know you're in trouble when your
life is a constant in joke
and my internal monologue says, 'stay like this and
you're better off dead...' but your internal monologue
says nothing
and if you've seen the undead in the asda carpark
then you've seen the unrest in the heart of farnborough
yes its just what you'd expect, unpolitically correct
in a pc world
well its all the same to me...
and if you met me you'd probably go and forget me
or simply not give a shh.........