Fool Lyrics

I hear you scream
I thought I had it under control
but I see you weep
and I know that I’ve been a fool

I tried so hard to think everything is okay
I tried so hard to be patient
but I’m not today
that’s why we’re crying here

It should be ending here
after so much harm is done
you don’t depend on me - you never did
but that is something I have known

Do you hate me?
Did you ever feel for me at all?
You just store it all apart
you broke my heart and crushed my soul
And I hear you scream
I thought I had it under control
but I see you weep
and I know that I’ve been a fool

I tried so hard to think everything is okay
I tried so hard to be patient
but I’m not today
that’s why we’re crying here
Did you ever think
that some good words will do?
I’ve been suffering, I’ve been paralized
and all because of you

Why did you come back?
there was no reason to go on
you should have better left for good
I hate the person you’ve become
And I hear you scream…
And I hear you scream
I thought I had it under control
but I see you weep
and I know that I’ve been a fool

I tried so hard to think everything is okay
I tried so hard to be patient
but I’m not today
that’s why we’re crying here

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2008 Infacted Recordings
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