Disgrace Lyrics

Disgrace, disgrace, I knew that I would find this place
Just like my father and his father before him
I don't know if I'll sink or swim
Disgrace, disgrace, lead me further down the path into this place
Like you do

And if I turn my back on you
In a private conversation, you don't always have to listen
To every word of spoken truth, lead me further down the path
I know that I am sinking fast into disgrace

And please give me second place, and I will try and save some face
Just like my brother and his father before him
I'll fight the urge to run again
From this place
This place

And if I turn my back on you
In a private conversation, you don't always have to listen
To every word of spoken truth, lead me further down the path
I know that I am sinking fast into disgrace

Lead me further down the path into this place
I always knew that this would be my fate
Lead me further down the path into disgrace,

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these lyrics are submitted by BURKUL4
Songwriter(s): Stephen R. Parkin, Kavyen Beaton Temperley, Joel Peter Quartermain, Stuart Leslie Macleod
Record Label(s): 2013 Dirt Diamonds Productions
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