Raw Bar Obx 2002 Lyrics

Hey, I've got bigger fish to fry
They're swordfish sized
They're swimming small circles
And asking for a break

Hey, I've got bigger fish to fry
So don't hold out for me to try
And find the time
I don't care if you can't understand the why's

Hey, I've got bigger fish to fry
They're swordfish sized
Hey, I've got bigger fish to fry

Working on lots of things, all tucked away
Hiding from my phone
I never thought I'd quit complaining
I thought I had time to be alone
And I've got all these fish to fry
And I've got all these fish to fry
I just need a little time

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Brendan Graham, Matt Scottoline, Tommy Manson, Brendan Mchugh
Record Label(s): 2010 Tiny Engines
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