Winter No.2 Lyrics

On the first floor of the dryout house
Was a replica dartboard
And the man on the floor
Sorta went out of window, over the lawn
And round to the mad kid
"Please take this medallion,
Please wear this medallion.
It's no sign of authority.
Wear the gold and put it on"
Courtesy winter
So [around the] mad kid
Man on the first floor said
"I just looked round
I just looked round
I just looked round
"And my youth it was sold"
Two white words frost the sky
There fly krakens
And sometimes, that little.....
Makes me tremble
Courtesy winter
The mad kid had 4 lights, the average is 2.5 lights
The mediocre has 2 lights, the sign of genius is three lights
There's one light left, that's the one light
That's the science law
Courtesy winter

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Songwriter(s): Mark Edward Smith, Craig Scanlon

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