Dear Frenzy
I've left the cave of aberration
Tearing the edge of noxious
Dreams, transmuted my mind's sensation
Trying to stop the devastating colossus
I've alienated myself from you and your conditions
Tearing down the walls of fear
Your aim is to permanently bleak my vision,
I'm fighting to keep the sight clear
Still I'm responding to your signal
Coming from a disturbed gree
Forged in the fire of its regnal
It's like a mental decree
Dictated by an unknown codex
Or by a substance, injected by the environment?
Changing the motional context
Steering calmness to the boarders of excitement
When all the cells carry the flag of fury,
Supported by guilt and shame
Wandering around in a world, miry
And formless where emotions are aflame
Drifting into the palace of emptiness
Cannot break the cycle
Welcomed by frenzy's passionate kiss
At the hallway that leads to the oracle
Of madness!