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Like A Glove
From The Pawn
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Like A Glove Lyrics

Without, the desires that brought us all this pain.
I will strive beyond all regret,
I can face the fears that conquered me.
To the grave I will not forget, these times that shaped
our lives.

Those nights that never fade away
discerning everything I am.
reliving all the memories
discerning everything I am.
To dare to dance the rapids
and live to chance the tides
to strive and seek and find
those winds behind our skies.

To dare to dance the rapids
and live to chance the tides
to strive and seek and find
those winds behind our skies.

Your spark will burn the looses
and blind those weary eyes

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2021 2808074 Records DK
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