She looked out to see
The moon in the sky
Carelessly passing by
While all of her truths
Were lost in a lie
Oh, but the night was high
She always thought that life
Was bought and sold
From whence she came
Was left untold
And now she's lost in a world full of cost
She learned how to live
She learned how to give
Always in need of love
And once came a stranger
A friend of a friend
Resembling a god from above
Ah, but he loved her much
And loved her will
But things came late and later still
And now he's gone
Masquerading with dawn
And she thought she could see
Someone to make her be
A friend most definitely
She'd say explicitly
'T was love indeed to be
'T was love indeed to be
She looked out see
The night's mystery
'T was not for her to be
Said the moon, laughingly
check amazon for Masquerading With Dawn mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by itunew3 Record Label(s): 1975 Sanctuary Records Group Ltd , a BMG Company Official lyrics by
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