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Whether You Are The One
Gail Ann Dorsey


Whether You Are The One Lyrics

I’m not sure my friend, whether you are the one
I’m not clear, my friend, whether the time has come
Here I stand together, heart like a loaded gun
I’m not sure my friend, whether you are the one...

You say if only life could be, and then when it is, it
doesn’t pretend
Scared of laughter, proud of pain
Everything is allowed, except for the shame

I’m not sure, my friend, whether you are the one
I’m not clear, my friend, whether the time has come
Round and round we go again, until the race is won
Here I stand forever, I want to feel the sun...
Speaking lines that write themselves, it’s easy to
tell, it’s harder to fail
Making room for hand-me-downs
We put on the shelves, to take up the space

Best to travel but not to arrive, cause when you get to
the soul, it can eat you alive
Scared of laughter, proud of pain
Everything is allowed, except for shame

Leave the table, leave the room, but nothing has
changed, it’s just point-of-view
Speaking lines that write themselves
It’s easy to tell...

I’m not sure my friend, whether you are the one

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 2004 United For Opportunity
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